Tuesday, November 11, 2008


As will be notified in the next issue, #34, we will be having a Gingerbread Employee of the Month, or GEM. You may vote here anonymously, BUT YOU MUST EMAIL US IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU VOTE!!! Otherwise, your vote will not count.
Please either email or vote here anonymously. Email us for more information.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

GWN 30 is out!

GWN 30 is now published online! Please visit http://www.freewebs.com/gingerbreadwklynews to see the current issue. We now have a new archive blog: http://gingygingerbread.blogspot.com/
We will not be archiving GWN #30 on this blog. When the new blog has been completely finished, the URLs for these two blogs will change. GWN will notify you on Freewebs and by email to let you know the new URLs.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Freewebs Updated!

Diane Zhou has been able to update the Freewebs (GWN current issue website) website, so please visit the website and read it! Please answer to the debate, write stories, etc. GWN really needs your support during the summer!!! Thanks.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sorry Again!

Sorry GWN Readers! The Main GWN Website cannot be updated this week. Freewebs cannot be accessed from China, which is where Diane is. Sorry! Blogspot is inconvenient for reading but good for archiving. Mail Pail will be sent out when Freewebs can be accessed again.

GWN Announcement!

GWN decided to have a new website! It's a blog where you can make comments on stories (you will receive tickets for your comments). Please do NOT write your debate answers on the blog though because then other people will see your answers to debate. There would be no point for Mail Pail! Also, sorry for the inconvenience, but GWN cannot make email copies unless you use Open Office. Open Office will NOT work on Microsoft Word. Sorry.