Monday, June 23, 2008

Big Red Ball

(New News)
Written and Typed by GWN Writer Chloris Li

On Friday, June 13th, 2008, there was a substitute in my classroom at Ardenwood Elementary. We had extra recess. The substitute brought a large red ball outside and the fifth-grade boys started playing basketball with it. Someone shot it inside the hoop and the ball couldn't come back out. The boys used theirs shoes and it did nothing. Later, a boy found a stick and he used it to push it out but it didn't work. The primary kids (first to third graders) were staring at them. Later, GWN Founder Diane Zhou (I think she is the tallest fifth-grade girl in our class.) tried pushing the ball out with the stick and it didn't work. Later, we gave the stick to the substitute [because he was the tallest out of all of us]to push the ball out of the hoop. It still didn't work because I think he doesn't want to work. Finally, the boy who found the stick carried his friend on his shoulders and they got it out! YAY! After all that, all the fifth graders decided to play dodge ball.

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