Monday, June 23, 2008

A Field Trip to Don Edward's San Francisco Bay National Wild Life Refuge

(New News)

Written and Typed by GWN Writer Alex Zhou

On Thursday, May 29, 2008 half of the second graders at Ardenwood School went on a field trip to Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The second graders played many fun games and activities. Alex's favorite activity was looking in owl pellets (owl throw up). Too bad Alex didn't have a skull in his owl pellet. He also liked the last activity about wetlands. Everyone had to pretend to be an animal and only can eat the food that the animal eats. In another activity, students had to look for an animal that lives in the mud. They were small but can still be seen. The students got to use microscopes. The park rangers told us to protect wetlands because there are less wetlands and a lot of animals that are endangered live there. One of them are endangered because there are less wetlands and because of predation. This field trip was the best one ever!

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