Monday, July 14, 2008


(New News)
Contributed to GWN by GWN Reader Cynthia Yao
I am currently in Japan on a tour. The food here is great and the places we go to are fun! So far, my favorite place is "Nara Deer Park". We got to pet the deer, and for some reason, they didn't seem to be scared of us at all. We walked to the museum, which was basically a monk temple. After walking around inside, we went back to the place with the deer. I was so excited! My mom had agreed to let us feed the deer with crackers which you could buy for 150 yen ($1.50 in U.S. currency) on the sides of the path. The deer were so cute. They kept bowing their heads, that meant they wanted more which I learned from our tour guide. After feeding the deer, we went to the souvenir store. I bought a small statue of a deer sitting on a slice of wood. We had to get back on the bus to go to our hotel. That's where I am right now! I'll see you later!

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