Monday, July 14, 2008

My 11th Birthday

(New News)
By Birthday Girl
Chloris Li

On Wednesday, June 4th, 2008, it was my 11th birthday. I was really excited! When I got downstairs to start my breakfast, there were 3 boxes of donuts. My dad or mom wrote a letter that said 1 box was glaze, 1 box was chocolate, and 1 box was filled with glaze and chocolate. I brought those donuts to school, eager to meet my friends. I found out that there was a substitute that day so my teacher never knew it was my birthday.
At school, I placed the donuts at the back desk. The substitute saw them and she asked if it was my birthday. My reply was yes. On the board, the substitute wrote down the schedule for the day. One part said to say Happy Birthday to me. I was so happy!

When the time came, I chose Deanna, my friend and classmate, to help me pass out the donuts. Most people took the chocolate donuts when I thought more people would've taken the glaze! After all that passing, my classmates, including the substitute teacher, sang happy birthday to me. I was pleased and happy!

At home, my mom bought an ice cream cake. The whole entire cake was ice cream! It was delicious! I was really full when I finished eating that day. I barely was able to eat my last piece of cake! I was proud of my presents. My whole family gave me a card, my friend Susan wrote Happy Birthday on a piece of paper, my friends Jessica and Chela made a card for me, Deanna was going to give me a card the next day, Diane, another friend, gave me a Japanese doll which I named it Jade, my mom gave me a Melody water bottle, and finally, my grandma gave
me a red envelope! I was really happy! I hope I will be as happy in my 12th birthday! (I can't believe I'm almost a teen!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I wish I could give you something... Sadly, since I'm not where you are, I can't.
Anyways, Chloris!


Your friend,